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ETL Data Pipeline


Automate Data Collection. Gain Data Confidence. Ease Audit Trail Reporting.

Apperture Solutions has partnered with Informetric Systems to provide an advanced technology, called  InfoBatch® InfoETL. This GMP-compliant solution provides an ETL framework suitable for manufacturing and automation systems. While many ETL solutions are oriented towards cloud-based data warehouses, InfoBatch InfoETL is designed to reside close to the automation infrastructure, immediately processing files without the latency of other approaches. Furthermore, ETL can handle isolated data from equipment skids, instruments, and HMIs.

Here’s How ETL Works:

Access the Isolated Data

The “Extract” step of the ETL process enables you to easily and dependably extract data from diverse sources. In most cases, these files lack the proper contextualization that would allow manufacturers to obtain value from them.

Make Isolated Data Valuable

Next, you need to “Transform” data into meaningful information. By using specialized software, you can then seamlessly process and transform your data according to specified validation rules. What was once a series of isolated, vulnerable files now becomes a useful resource.

Store Data to Make it
Useful & Compliant

The final step of the ETL process is the most critical for bringing isolated data into compliance. The “Load” part of the ETL process is used to store transformed data in a secure repository.


  • Accommodate disparate and, frequently, siloed data
  • Remove the entire human data collection and analysis headache
  • Automate and streamline the entire process
  • Eliminate data integrity vulnerabilities
  • Include reporting and routing for electronic approval
  • Be GMP-compliant


Take the next step to adopt best-in-class tools and techniques to reap the benefits of Industry 4.0.